Are Rents Going Down In Colorado Springs?

Colorado Springs has become an increasingly popular destination for people looking to relocate or find a new home. With its stunning natural beauty, vibrant community, and thriving job market, it’s no wonder that more and more people are flocking to this city. However, as demand for housing continues to rise, there are whispers in the air about the possibility of rents going down in Colorado Springs. In this article, we will explore whether these rumors hold any truth and what it could mean for those looking to call this stunning city home.

Factors Affecting Rent Prices in Colorado Springs

Supply and Demand

Supply and demand play a crucial role in determining rent prices in Colorado Springs. The availability of rental properties, along with the number of individuals looking for housing, creates a balance that affects the cost of rent. When the supply of rental units is low and the demand is high, landlords can charge higher prices. Conversely, if there is an oversupply of rental properties, landlords may lower their prices to attract tenants.

Population Growth

The rapid population growth in Colorado Springs has contributed to an increase in rent prices. With more people moving to the city, the demand for housing has surged, placing upward pressure on rents. As the population continues to grow, it is likely that rent prices will also continue to rise.

Job Market

The strength of the job market in Colorado Springs is another factor impacting rent prices. When the job market is robust with numerous employment opportunities, it attracts job seekers from other areas. This influx of new residents puts additional strain on the housing market, leading to higher rent prices.

Cost of Construction

The cost of construction materials and labor can significantly impact rent prices. When construction costs rise, developers may need to increase rents to cover their expenses and maintain profitability. Factors such as inflation and changes in government regulations can affect construction costs, indirectly influencing rental prices.

Vacancy Rates

Vacancy rates, or the percentage of unoccupied rental units, can affect rent prices in Colorado Springs. When vacancy rates are low, landlords have more leverage to increase rents since there are fewer options available for potential tenants. Conversely, high vacancy rates result in increased competition among landlords, often leading to lower rent prices as they strive to attract tenants.

Trends in Rent Prices

Historical Rent Prices

Historical data indicates a steady upward trend in rent prices in Colorado Springs over the past decade. As the city has grown and the demand for housing has increased, rent prices have consistently risen, sometimes outpacing inflation rates. Understanding historical rent prices can provide insights into the current market and future expectations.

Current Rent Prices

Currently, rent prices in Colorado Springs vary depending on the location, size, and condition of the rental property. On average, a one-bedroom apartment in the city center would cost around $1,200 per month, while a similar apartment in the suburbs may be approximately $1,000 per month. These prices are subject to change based on market conditions and other factors.

Comparison with National Average

When compared to the national average, rent prices in Colorado Springs are generally lower. The city’s lower cost of living contributes to this affordability. However, it is important to note that within Colorado, rent prices in Colorado Springs tend to be higher compared to other cities in the state.

Yearly Rent Increases

Yearly rent increases have become the norm in Colorado Springs due to various factors. The steady population growth, limited availability of rental units, and increasing construction costs have combined to drive rent prices higher on an annual basis. Renters should anticipate these yearly increases when planning their housing budgets.

Recent Changes in Rent Prices

Recently, rent prices in Colorado Springs have experienced slight fluctuations due to the impact of various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. While some rental prices have temporarily decreased or remained stagnant, others have continued to rise. It is vital for renters to stay informed about these changes to make informed decisions about their housing.

Impact of COVID-19 on Rent Prices

Temporary Decrease

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a mixed impact on rent prices in Colorado Springs. In some cases, rent prices have experienced a temporary decrease due to the economic downturn and financial hardships faced by many individuals. Landlords may have been willing to negotiate lower rents to retain tenants or attract new ones during this uncertain time.

Shift in Rental Preferences

The pandemic has also brought notable changes in rental preferences. With remote work becoming more prevalent, some individuals may choose to relocate away from expensive urban areas, leading to a shift in demand and potentially influencing rent prices. Suburban areas and regions with more affordable rent options may see increased demand as a result.

Government Interventions

Government interventions, such as eviction moratoriums and rent freezes, have provided temporary relief for renters affected by the pandemic. These measures aim to prevent a surge in homelessness and stabilize housing markets during challenging times. While these interventions may have helped some renters, they have also raised concerns about their long-term impact on rent prices.

Expected Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects of the pandemic on rent prices in Colorado Springs are still uncertain. As the economy recovers and businesses reopen, there may be a resurgence in demand for rental properties, potentially driving prices back up. Additionally, changes in remote work policies and shifting demographics may continue to impact housing preferences and rental market dynamics.

Influence of Location on Rent Prices

Downtown Area

Rent prices in the downtown area of Colorado Springs tend to be higher compared to other parts of the city. The proximity to entertainment venues, restaurants, and employment opportunities makes downtown a desirable location for many renters. However, the convenience and amenities come at a higher cost.


The suburbs of Colorado Springs generally offer more affordable rental options compared to the downtown area. Rent prices in the suburbs can vary depending on proximity to amenities, schools, and transportation options. Renters looking for more space and a quieter environment may find the suburbs to be a suitable choice.

Proximity to Amenities

The proximity to amenities such as parks, shopping centers, and public transportation can affect rent prices. Rental properties located within walking distance or a short commute to these amenities usually command higher rents. However, renters who prioritize convenience may find it beneficial to pay a premium for a location that offers easy access to their preferred amenities.

Neighborhood Characteristics

Different neighborhoods in Colorado Springs may have unique characteristics that influence rent prices. Some neighborhoods may have a reputation for safety, while others may offer a strong sense of community. These factors can impact demand and ultimately impact rent prices. Renters should consider their personal preferences and priorities when selecting a neighborhood.

Efforts to Control Rent Prices

Rent Control Measures

Rent control measures, which limit the amount landlords can increase rents, can be implemented to protect renters from excessive price hikes. However, Colorado state law prohibits rent control, so it is not currently an option in Colorado Springs. Renters should be aware of this limitation when considering their housing options.

Affordable Housing Initiatives

Affordable housing initiatives aim to provide housing options for low-income individuals and families. These initiatives may include the construction of subsidized or income-restricted rental units. In Colorado Springs, various organizations and government agencies work together to promote affordable housing and offer resources for those in need.

Rental Assistance Programs

Rental assistance programs can help alleviate the financial burden of rent for eligible individuals and families. These programs provide financial support to cover a portion of the rent, making housing more affordable. Renters facing financial hardship should explore the availability of rental assistance programs in Colorado Springs.

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships can be a powerful tool in addressing the housing affordability issue. By collaborating with developers and other stakeholders, local governments can incentivize the construction of affordable rental units. These partnerships can help increase the supply of affordable housing and potentially stabilize rent prices in the long run.

Challenges for Renters in Colorado Springs

Affordability Crisis

One of the biggest challenges for renters in Colorado Springs is the affordability crisis. The rising rent prices coupled with stagnant wages have made it increasingly difficult for many individuals and families to secure quality housing without stretching their budgets. This affordability crisis has led to a higher risk of housing insecurity and financial strain for renters.

Limited Rental Options

The limited supply of rental properties in Colorado Springs poses a challenge for renters. With a growing population and high demand for housing, finding suitable rental options can be challenging and time-consuming. Renters often face competition from other applicants and may need to act quickly to secure a desired rental property.

Competition and High Demand

With the influx of people migrating to Colorado Springs, the rental market has become highly competitive. This high demand for rental units is a significant challenge for renters, as landlords can be selective when choosing tenants. As a result, renters may need to demonstrate strong income and credit history to stand out from other applicants.

Rental Application Process

The rental application process can be burdensome for renters, especially when facing competition for desirable rental properties. Prospective tenants are often required to provide detailed information about their employment, rental history, and financial situation. Rental applications may also come with application fees that can add up, especially if multiple applications are needed to secure a rental property.

Tips for Finding Affordable Rentals

Start Early

Finding an affordable rental in Colorado Springs can take time, so it’s important to start searching early. Give yourself ample time to explore different neighborhoods, view potential rental properties, and gather all necessary documentation for rental applications.

Expand Your Search Area

Consider expanding your search area beyond just the most popular neighborhoods. Sometimes, slightly less central locations can offer more affordable rental options. Take advantage of online platforms that allow you to filter your search by price, location, and other criteria to find hidden gems.

Utilize Online Platforms

Online rental platforms have made it easier than ever to search for and compare rental properties in Colorado Springs. Utilize these platforms to browse through available listings and narrow down your options. Pay attention to the details provided, such as rental prices, property features, and contact information for landlords or property managers.

Consider Roommates

Sharing a rental property with roommates can significantly lower the cost of rent. Consider finding compatible individuals to share the expenses with, making it more affordable for everyone involved. However, keep in mind that living with roommates comes with its own set of challenges and requires clear communication and shared responsibilities.

Negotiation Strategies

When negotiating rent prices with landlords, it’s important to do your research and be prepared. Familiarize yourself with the current market rates in Colorado Springs and come up with valid reasons to support your request for lower rent. Demonstrating good credit, rental history, and the ability to be a reliable tenant can give you an advantage during negotiations.

Future Outlook for Rent Prices

Economic Forecast

The future outlook for rent prices in Colorado Springs is closely tied to the overall economic forecast. As the economy continues to recover and stabilize, rent prices may gradually increase in response to increasing demand and rising construction costs. However, unexpected economic downturns or changes in market dynamics can still impact future rent prices.

Housing Development Projects

Several housing development projects are underway in Colorado Springs to address the growing demand for housing. These projects focus on creating more rental units, including both market-rate and affordable housing options. The completion of these projects could potentially add to the housing supply and help moderate rent prices in the future.

Rental Market Projections

Rental market projections indicate a continued upward trend in rent prices in Colorado Springs due to factors such as population growth, limited supply, and increasing construction costs. While the exact rate of increase is uncertain, it is essential for renters to stay informed about market conditions and plan their budget accordingly.

Policy Changes

Changes in government policies regarding housing and development can also influence future rent prices in Colorado Springs. Policy decisions related to rent control, affordable housing initiatives, and rental regulations can have a direct impact on the rental market dynamics. Stay informed about any potential policy changes that may affect rent prices and housing affordability.

Resources for Renters

Local Rental Websites

There are various local rental websites that can help renters find available properties in Colorado Springs. Some popular websites include Zillow,,, and local classifieds. These platforms provide comprehensive listings, allowing renters to filter their search based on their preferences and budget.

Nonprofit Housing Organizations

Nonprofit housing organizations in Colorado Springs offer valuable resources and support for renters. These organizations often provide services such as housing counseling, rental assistance programs, and advocacy for affordable housing initiatives. Reach out to these organizations for guidance and support in navigating the rental market.

Legal Aid Services

Legal aid services can assist renters who encounter legal challenges or disputes with landlords. These services offer affordable or free legal advice and representation to low-income individuals who may not have the means to hire a private attorney. If you find yourself facing legal issues related to your rental property, consider seeking assistance from legal aid services.

Tenant Rights and Education

Understanding your rights as a tenant is crucial for navigating the rental market. Educate yourself about tenant rights in Colorado and familiarize yourself with the state’s landlord-tenant laws. Local resources, such as tenant rights organizations and educational materials, can provide valuable information and empower renters to protect their rights.


Rent prices in Colorado Springs are influenced by various factors, including supply and demand, population growth, job market conditions, and the cost of construction. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a temporary impact on rent prices, but the long-term effects are still uncertain. The location of a rental property and its proximity to amenities also play a significant role in determining rent prices. Efforts to control rent prices include affordable housing initiatives, rental assistance programs, and public-private partnerships. Renters in Colorado Springs face challenges such as an affordability crisis, limited rental options, competition, and a complex application process. However, by starting early, expanding search areas, utilizing online platforms, considering roommates, and employing negotiation strategies, renters can increase their chances of finding affordable rentals. Looking ahead, economic forecasts, housing development projects, rental market projections, and policy changes will shape the future outlook for rent prices in Colorado Springs. By utilizing resources such as local rental websites, nonprofit housing organizations, legal aid services, and tenant rights education, renters can navigate the rental market with confidence.