Controversial 420 Friendly Sex Event Raises Questions at Colorado Springs Cannabis Club

There’s an upcoming event at a cannabis club in Colorado Springs that is raising some eyebrows. The controversial “420 friendly” sex event has caught the attention of many, leading to questions about its legality. The owner of the club claims that there has been a demand for this type of party for years and insists that no special permits or licenses are needed. However, some people are concerned about the potential health and safety risks, as well as the perception it brings to the cannabis community. While organizers argue that they are simply responding to a demand in the community and have found a place to host the event, the city has not yet commented on the matter, and the health department has no say in it since it’s a cannabis club.


In Colorado Springs, a cannabis club is causing quite a stir with its upcoming event. The club has advertised a “420 friendly” sex party, and the community’s reaction has been mixed. While some people see it as a much-needed outlet for pleasure and self-expression, others are questioning the legality and ethics of such an event. In this article, we will delve into the details of the event, explore various perspectives, and discuss the safety measures in place.

About the Event

The event being hosted at the cannabis club is described as a “play party” and is open to adults who are 21 and older. The club has a clothing optional policy, allowing attendees to express themselves freely. Additionally, the event is considered “420 friendly,” meaning that cannabis consumption is allowed and even encouraged.

To promote the event, the club has released several advertisements. These ads emphasize the need to bring both smoke and lube, indicating that both marijuana and sexual activities will be part of the event. While some find this appealing and exciting, others have raised concerns about the nature of the event and its impact on the community.

Owner’s Perspective

The owner of the cannabis club, Daniel Goodman, believes that hosting events like this is a response to a demand in the community. He asserts that such parties have been desired for years, and he saw an opportunity to fulfill that need. Goodman also states that no special permits or licenses are required to host this event, as it is considered a private gathering within the confines of the club.

Goodman expresses frustration with the City Council’s decision to shut down other cannabis clubs while allowing his to remain open. However, he acknowledges that some people may not fully understand the potential risks involved with attending such an event, particularly regarding cleanliness and safety.

Controversial Response

The community’s response to the event has been controversial, with opinions varying widely. Some individuals question the legality of hosting a sex party within a cannabis club. They argue that combining these activities might violate certain laws or regulations. Others raise concerns about the cleanliness and safety of participating in intimate activities within a public venue.

Neighboring businesses have also expressed their reservations about the event. One neighboring establishment, the auto truck group, was taken aback when they saw the Facebook ad for the event. They worry that it will attract a clientele that may not align with their own business values or interests.

The overall reaction from the community has been mixed. While some people are supportive of the event and view it as a step forward in terms of sexual freedom and cannabis acceptance, others are skeptical and apprehensive about its implications and potential consequences.

Safety Measures

To address concerns regarding safety, the organizers of the event have put specific measures in place. Condoms and lubricants will be provided to promote safe sexual practices. Additionally, there is a strict list of rules that attendees must adhere to, with a strong emphasis on consent and respect. All participants are required to ask for permission before engaging in any form of physical contact, and the use of consent is essential throughout the entire event.

The event is only open to individuals who are 21 years of age or older. This age requirement ensures that attendees are of legal age to consume cannabis and make informed decisions about their participation in an event of this nature.

Licensing Requirements

Despite concerns about the legality of the event, it is important to note that private events held in a private center do not typically require special permits or licenses. As the cannabis club is a private establishment hosting a private event, it falls within this category. While some may question the appropriateness of hosting such an event, it does not violate specific licensing requirements set by the city or state.

Organizer’s Justification

The event organizers justify the decision to host this event by claiming that they are merely responding to a demand within the community. According to them, there has been a need for events of this nature for a long time, and they believe they are providing a service to those who desire it. They argue that as long as there is a suitable venue and an audience interested in attending, there is no reason why the event should not take place.

City’s Response

When contacted, the city officials refused to comment on the event directly and redirected all inquiries to the Colorado Springs Police Department (cSPD). The police department acknowledged their awareness of the event and stated that they are looking into it. However, no official statement has been released to the public regarding the event’s legality or any potential actions taken by the authorities.

Health Department’s Role

As a cannabis club, the establishment falls under the jurisdiction of cannabis-related regulations rather than those related to public health. Therefore, the Health Department does not have the authority to intervene or enforce any regulations specific to this event. This lack of jurisdiction can be attributed to the cannabis club’s status as a separate entity in terms of regulations and permissions.


With the upcoming “420 friendly” sex event at the cannabis club in Colorado Springs, the community’s response has been multifaceted. While some individuals view the event as a much-needed outlet for sexual expression and cannabis consumption, others question its legality and raise concerns about safety. The cannabis club owner maintains that the event fulfills a demand in the community and follows all necessary regulations for a private event. The city and health department have remained relatively silent on the matter, leaving it up to the police department to handle any potential legal issues. Overall, the event has sparked a significant amount of controversy and debate regarding personal freedom, ethics, and community standards.