Historic Antlers Hotel in Downtown Colorado Springs Could Become Apartment Complex

Hey there! Have you heard about the potential transformation of the historic Antlers Hotel in Downtown Colorado Springs? This iconic landmark, known for its luxurious hotel stays for over 100 years, might soon cease to offer overnight stays and instead become an apartment complex. The group that owns the Antlers Hotel has submitted a proposal to the city, seeking permission to convert the entire building into a high-rise apartment complex called the XO Loft at Antlers. This proposal marks a significant change in the hotel’s history, which has seen various versions of the building due to fires and renovations. The current owners have plans to preserve the luxury by including amenities like indoor and outdoor pools, a store, and market inside the complex. While some people are excited about this change, others have reservations, as they believe the hotel plays a crucial role in drawing people into downtown Colorado Springs. The city now has four weeks to respond to the proposal, and it will be interesting to see the final outcome.


Introduction to the historic Antlers Hotel

The Antlers Hotel is a historic landmark located in Downtown Colorado Springs. It has been synonymous with luxury hotel stays for over 100 years, offering guests a sophisticated and memorable experience.

Significance of the hotel in Colorado Springs

The Antlers Hotel holds a significant place in the history and culture of Colorado Springs. Built in 1883 by General William Jackson Palmer, the hotel served as a symbol of the city’s growth and prosperity. It has welcomed countless visitors, including dignitaries, celebrities, and tourists, making it a cherished part of the community.

Previous versions of the hotel

Throughout its history, the Antlers Hotel has undergone several transformations. It has been rebuilt three times due to fires and renovations, each time emerging as a more beautiful and modern establishment. The current version of the hotel is the result of a previous renovation that preserved its iconic status.

Proposal to convert the hotel into an apartment complex

A new proposal has been submitted to the city of Colorado Springs, seeking to convert the entire Antlers Hotel building into an apartment complex. The group that owns the hotel, Blueprint Investment Group, plans to create the XO Lofts at Antlers, a high-rise corridor of apartments catering to residents seeking a more permanent living situation.

The XO Lofts at Antlers

Details about the proposed apartment complex

The XO Lofts at Antlers would offer a unique and luxurious living experience to its residents. With its prime location in Downtown Colorado Springs, the complex aims to attract individuals looking for a vibrant urban lifestyle. The project envisions transforming the historic hotel into a modern and sophisticated space while preserving its charm and character.

Number of rooms and amenities

The proposed apartment complex would consist of 166 rooms, providing a range of options to accommodate different living preferences. The rooms would be elegantly designed to offer comfort and style to residents. Amenities such as a fitness center, communal spaces, and parking facilities would be included to enhance the quality of life for residents.

Planned indoor and outdoor pools

One of the highlights of the XO Lofts at Antlers would be its indoor and outdoor pools. Residents would have access to a refreshing swimming experience that combines the convenience of an indoor pool with the enjoyment of an outdoor pool. These pools would serve as social gathering spaces and provide residents with a unique amenity.

Inclusion of a store and market

To cater to the daily needs of residents, the proposed apartment complex would feature a store and market within its premises. This convenience would allow residents to easily access essential goods and services without having to leave the building. The store and market would contribute to the overall convenience and livability of the complex.

Community Response

Mixed reactions to the new plan

The community response to the proposal has been mixed. Some individuals recognize the need for additional housing in Colorado Springs and appreciate the potential economic benefits it could bring to the downtown area. Others, however, express concerns about the impact of the conversion on the historic significance of the Antlers Hotel.

Concerns about lack of focus on the view

One common concern raised by some members of the community is the potential lack of focus on the view. The Antlers Hotel has enjoyed a prime location that offers breathtaking views of Colorado Springs. Some individuals argue that the proposed apartment complex should take advantage of this view, ensuring that residents can appreciate the beauty of the cityscape.

Opinions of current hotel guests

Opinions among current hotel guests at the Antlers Hotel vary. Some guests express confusion and skepticism about the proposed change, as they have grown fond of the hotel’s unique charm. They may not see the appeal of residing in an apartment within the complex. Others, however, understand the need for progress and are open to the idea of the Antlers Hotel transitioning into an apartment complex.

Debate on the impact of the change on downtown

The proposed conversion of the Antlers Hotel into an apartment complex has sparked a debate about its impact on downtown Colorado Springs. Some argue that the change could breathe new life into the area, attracting more residents and revitalizing the local economy. Others express concerns that the transition may disrupt the charm and character of downtown, potentially altering its unique identity.

City’s Response

City’s deadline for responding to the proposal

The city of Colorado Springs has a four-week deadline to respond to the proposal submitted by Blueprint Investment Group. This timeframe allows the city to thoroughly evaluate the plan and consider its impact on the community, historic preservation, and overall city development.

The organization behind the project

The group responsible for the proposed XO Lofts at Antlers project is Blueprint Investment Group. Based in Denver, this organization specializes in real estate development and investment. Their goal is to create innovative and sustainable living spaces that contribute to the growth and vibrancy of communities.

Efforts to reach out to Blueprint Investment Group

Efforts have been made to reach out to Blueprint Investment Group and gather their thoughts on the project and the future of the Antlers Hotel. However, as of now, there has been no response from the organization. This lack of communication leaves some questions unanswered, but the decision ultimately rests with the city of Colorado Springs.

Anticipation for the city’s decision

The community and stakeholders eagerly await the city’s decision regarding the proposed conversion of the Antlers Hotel into the XO Lofts at Antlers. The outcome of the decision will have a significant impact on the future of the hotel, the downtown area, and the overall landscape of Colorado Springs. Stakeholders hope that the decision will be made in a manner that prioritizes the best interests of the community.


The proposed conversion of the historic Antlers Hotel in Downtown Colorado Springs into the XO Lofts at Antlers has ignited a mixture of excitement and concern within the community. The potential benefits of additional housing, economic growth, and revitalization of downtown are weighed against concerns about preserving the hotel’s historic significance and character. As the city of Colorado Springs evaluates and responds to the proposal, it is essential to strike a balance that respects the past while embracing the future. The decision-makers play a crucial role in shaping the future of the Antlers Hotel and the larger community, ensuring that Colorado Springs continues to thrive as a vibrant and dynamic city.