Hotel and Motel Conversions: A Potential Solution to Colorado Springs’ Affordable Housing Crisis

Have you heard about the latest trend in Colorado Springs? It seems that hotel and motel conversions into apartments have become quite popular in the area. With the city’s growing population and the increasing shortage of affordable housing, developers have found a creative solution to tackle this issue. Hotel properties such as the Hotel Elegante at I-25 in Circle and the Motel 6 on Voyager Parkway are being converted into apartments, providing a new purpose for these buildings. There are already a number of conversions in progress, and more are expected to follow. The benefits of such conversions include lower costs, as these projects can be more affordable compared to building new apartments from scratch. Additionally, since these properties are usually located in urban areas, they can help with transportation and employment services. With federal and state funds in the pipeline, the city is also committed to supporting these conversions and building more housing options. There is still a long way to go, but with careful consideration of how to best utilize the funds, Colorado Springs aims to address the affordable housing crisis. Rest assured, the city is always watching out for you, as reported by Mayo Davidson from News 5.

Potential Solution: Hotel and Motel Conversions

Introduction to the idea of converting hotels and motels into apartments

The affordable housing crisis in Colorado Springs has become a pressing issue due to rapid population growth and high rental prices. As a response, the idea of converting existing hotels and motels into apartments has gained significant traction. This innovative approach utilizes the existing infrastructure and resources of these properties, providing a cost-effective solution to the shortage of affordable housing in the city. Additionally, these conversions are typically located in urban areas, enhancing transportation and employment services for residents.

Reasons for the Affordable Housing Crisis in Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs has experienced a surge in population growth in recent years, resulting in a strain on the housing market. The demand for housing has outpaced supply, causing rental prices to skyrocket. Many residents are unable to afford the high cost of rent, leading to a shortage of affordable housing options in the city.

Benefits of Hotel and Motel Conversions

  1. Lower cost compared to new construction: Converting hotels and motels into apartments is a more cost-effective solution than building new affordable housing units from scratch. The existing structures can be repurposed, saving both time and money in the construction process.

  2. Utilizing existing infrastructure and resources: Hotel and motel conversions take advantage of the infrastructure already in place. This includes plumbing, electrical systems, and parking facilities. By repurposing these existing resources, developers can minimize waste and reduce the overall environmental impact of construction.

  3. Location in urban areas for improved transportation and employment services: Many hotels and motels are situated in strategic urban locations, providing convenient access to public transportation and employment opportunities. Converting these properties into apartments can enhance the accessibility of these services, particularly for individuals who rely on public transportation or seek job opportunities in urban areas.

Examples of Hotel and Motel Conversions in Colorado Springs

Several hotel and motel conversions have already taken place in Colorado Springs, demonstrating the feasibility and success of this approach. One notable example is the conversion of Hotel Elegante located on I-25. By repurposing the existing hotel, a significant number of affordable housing units were created, providing a solution to the city’s housing crisis. Another example is the conversion of the Motel 6 on Voyager Parkway, which transformed the property into much-needed affordable housing for local residents.

Increasing Interest from Developers and Investors

Developers and investors have shown a growing interest in purchasing hotels and motels for conversion projects. The demand for affordable housing has created a market for these properties, leading to increased conversations between development teams, investors, and property owners. This interest is driven by the potential profitability of these conversions and the opportunity to contribute to the resolution of the affordable housing crisis.

Potential for Economic Revitalization

Hotel and motel conversions offer an opportunity for economic revitalization in Colorado Springs. By repurposing old buildings for new purposes, these conversions contribute to the preservation of historic structures while creating economic opportunities through the construction and maintenance process. The revitalization of these properties can also improve the overall appeal and value of the surrounding areas, attracting further investment and economic growth.

Financial Assistance and Support from the City

To encourage hotel and motel conversions, the city of Colorado Springs is committed to providing financial assistance and support. Federal and state funds are expected to become available soon, which would help developers and investors in the conversion process. The city recognizes the importance of these conversions in addressing the affordable housing crisis and is actively working to collaborate with developers, communities, and other stakeholders to ensure successful conversions and long-term impact.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite the benefits of hotel and motel conversions, there are challenges and limitations associated with these projects. Adapting existing building structures to meet the requirements of residential housing can be a complex process, involving extensive renovations and modifications. Ensuring compliance with regulations and codes is crucial for the safety and quality of the converted properties. Additionally, potential opposition from local communities may arise due to concerns about increased population density or changes to the character of the neighborhood.

Potential Impact on Affordable Housing Crisis

Hotel and motel conversions have the potential to significantly impact the affordable housing crisis in Colorado Springs. By repurposing existing buildings, the city can increase the availability of affordable housing units and diversify housing options for its residents. Moreover, the introduction of more affordable units into the market may contribute to a reduction in rental prices, making housing more accessible and affordable for all income levels.


Hotel and motel conversions offer a promising solution to the affordable housing crisis in Colorado Springs. By repurposing existing buildings, the city can provide more affordable housing options and address the shortage of affordable housing. Government support, collaboration with developers and communities, and the availability of financial assistance are crucial for the success of these conversions and their long-term impact. With the implementation of these initiatives, Colorado Springs can work towards alleviating the affordable housing crisis and creating a more inclusive and sustainable community for its residents.