Inside Broadmoor: A Five Star Hotel in Colorado Springs

Good morning! Have you ever heard of the Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs? It’s a five-star hotel that has been around since 1913, and let me tell you, it’s absolutely amazing. In a recent Daily Vlog episode, David and Blonnie visit this luxurious hotel and give us a glimpse of its beauty. But their visit is not without its adventures – they encounter a tire situation that causes a delay, but luckily Discount Tire comes to the rescue with their amazing service. So if you’re curious to learn more about the Broadmoor and the intriguing experiences David and Blonnie had during their visit, keep watching their video and stay tuned for the next episode. It’s definitely worth checking out, and your support through clicks and purchases goes a long way in helping them continue to create great content. See you in the next episode!

About Broadmoor Hotel

Welcome to the Broadmoor Hotel, a prestigious and luxurious five-star hotel located in Colorado Springs. With a rich history, stunning location, and an array of amenities, the Broadmoor Hotel offers an unforgettable experience for guests.

History of the hotel

The Broadmoor Hotel, built in 1913, has a storied history that adds to its charm and allure. Over the years, it has hosted numerous famous guests and undergone significant renovations and upgrades to maintain its status as a top-notch hotel.

Location of the hotel

Situated in the beautiful Colorado Springs, the Broadmoor Hotel boasts a prime location surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, including the breathtaking Garden of the Gods. This setting provides guests with a scenic backdrop and an opportunity to explore the wonders of nature.

Overview of the hotel’s amenities

As a five-star hotel, the Broadmoor offers an extensive range of amenities to cater to every guest’s needs. From luxurious spas and fitness centers to fine dining restaurants and championship golf courses, there is something for everyone to enjoy during their stay.

Classification as a five-star hotel

The Broadmoor Hotel’s five-star rating is a testament to its exceptional service, luxurious accommodations, and attention to detail. This prestigious classification is reserved for only the finest hotels that consistently exceed expectations and provide a truly exceptional guest experience.

Famous guests of the hotel

Over the years, the Broadmoor Hotel has played host to numerous celebrities, dignitaries, and influential figures. From presidents and movie stars to renowned musicians and athletes, the hotel’s guest list reads like a who’s who of the elite.

Recent renovations and upgrades

To ensure that the Broadmoor Hotel continues to offer a world-class experience, the hotel has undergone recent renovations and upgrades. These efforts include the restoration of historic features, the addition of modern amenities, and the enhancement of guest rooms to provide the utmost comfort and luxury.

The Hotel Tour

Let’s embark on a tour of the Broadmoor Hotel and explore its unique features and offerings.

Concierge explaining the hotel’s features

As you begin your tour, the knowledgeable concierge will guide you through the hotel, sharing interesting tidbits about its history and notable aspects. They will highlight the hotel’s architectural beauty and unique features that set it apart from other establishments.

Exploration of the West Village area

One of the highlights of the hotel is the West Village area. As you stroll through this charming section, you’ll notice the preserved black and white photographs showcasing the hotel’s early days. The concierge may point out notable guests captured in these photos, giving you a sense of the hotel’s rich heritage.

Touring the original card room

Another fascinating stop on the tour is the original card room. This room, steeped in history, provides a glimpse into the hotel’s past and the leisurely activities enjoyed by its distinguished guests. Take a moment to appreciate the timeless beauty and elegance of this original space.

The hand-painted beams

Throughout the hotel, you’ll notice the presence of hand-painted beams that add a touch of artistic flair and character. The concierge may mention the meticulous restoration efforts undertaken to preserve these beams and ensure their beauty can be enjoyed by guests for years to come.

Restoration and maintenance efforts

To maintain the grandeur of the historic Broadmoor Hotel, regular restoration and maintenance work is carried out. The concierge may share details about ongoing projects and the dedication of the hotel staff to preserving its original charm while incorporating modern amenities and comforts.

First-time experience at a five-star hotel

If this is your first time staying at a five-star hotel, the Broadmoor will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. The attention to detail, personalized service, and luxurious accommodations will make you feel like royalty. Prepare to be pampered and enjoy a truly memorable experience.

Lunch with Lisa

During your visit to Denver, you have the opportunity to enjoy a delightful lunch with Lisa, a local resident with a connection to the Broadmoor Hotel.

Introduction to Lisa and her connection to the hotel

Lisa, a long-time resident of Colorado Springs, has a special connection to the Broadmoor Hotel. As an enthusiast of fine dining and hospitality, she has explored the culinary offerings and experienced the exceptional service at the hotel. Her insights and experiences will provide valuable insights into the local community and the hotel’s impact.

Reasons for staying in Colorado Springs

Lisa shares how she moved to Colorado Springs from California and fell in love with the area. She highlights the natural beauty, friendly community, and opportunities for growth and success that led her to make this city her home.

Discussion on the local community

During lunch, Lisa and you engage in a conversation about the vibrant local community in Colorado Springs. She highlights the diverse range of activities, events, and attractions that make the city a desirable destination for both residents and visitors.

Lisa’s business goals and accomplishments

Lisa expresses her passion for her business ventures and shares her goals for the future. Her drive and entrepreneurial spirit are evident as she discusses her commitment to creating custom products and her desire to work for others while fostering creativity and fundraising opportunities.

Creating custom products

Lisa’s expertise lies in creating custom products, utilizing designs and logos to craft unique items. From cups to decals, she has mastered the art of customization, ensuring that her clients’ visions are brought to life in a tangible and meaningful way.

Spreading positivity and doing good deeds

Lisa firmly believes in the power of doing good and spreading positivity. She shares stories of random acts of kindness and the domino effect they can have in inspiring others to do the same. Her message is one of compassion, empathy, and the belief that even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact.

Tire Troubles

While on your journey, you encounter unexpected tire issues that require immediate attention.

Background on the tire issue

The tire troubles you experience have caused delays and frustration. The urgency to resolve the issue is apparent, as it not only affects your plans and schedule but also your safety on the road.

The tire gets replaced twice

Despite having the tire replaced twice, the problem persists. The inconvenience and concern continue to grow, leading you to seek professional assistance to get to the bottom of the issue.

Struggles with a stubborn lug nut

As the professionals tackle the tire issue, one stubborn lug nut poses an unexpected challenge. The frustration and anticipation build as you wait for a resolution to continue your journey seamlessly.

Visiting Discount Tire for help

Thankfully, Discount Tire comes to the rescue with their exceptional service. The experts at Discount Tire assess the tire situation and offer solutions to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

Repairing the tire for free

To your delight, Discount Tire not only repairs the tire promptly but also does it free of charge, showcasing their commitment to exceptional customer service. The unexpected act of kindness leaves you feeling grateful and appreciative of their assistance.

Gratitude towards Discount Tire

Expressing deep gratitude, you commend Discount Tire for their prompt and professional service. Their dedication to helping you get back on the road swiftly and safely deserves recognition and praise.

Continuing the Journey

Undeterred by the initial tire troubles, you choose to continue your journey, eager to make the most of your experiences.

Plans for the rest of the day

After resolving the tire issue, you make plans to continue your journey for the day. With renewed enthusiasm, you look forward to exploring new destinations and creating more cherished memories.

Reflecting on the experiences

As you drive, you take a moment to reflect on the experiences of the day. Despite the unexpected challenges, you appreciate the opportunities for growth, gratitude, and resilience that the tire troubles presented.

Nail puncture in the tire

Unfortunately, your journey takes another unexpected turn as you encounter a nail puncture in the tire. Frustration mounts, but you’re determined to find a solution promptly.

Fixing the tire for free again

With the previous positive experience at Discount Tire fresh in your mind, you make your way to their establishment for help once again. To your astonishment, they repair the tire for free, resolving the issue efficiently and with the utmost care.

Amazement and gratitude

The exceptional service provided by Discount Tire amazes you, leaving you feeling grateful and humbled. Their commitment to ensuring your safety and peace of mind is unparalleled, and you express heartfelt thanks for their assistance.

Preparing for more driving

With the tire issue resolved, you prepare to continue your journey, inspired by the kindness and support you have received. The experience serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience, gratitude, and the genuine care provided by others.


The visit to the Broadmoor Hotel, the lunch with Lisa, and the tire troubles have all contributed to an eventful and memorable day.

Recap of the hotel tour

The tour of the Broadmoor Hotel revealed its rich history, unique features, and dedication to providing a luxurious experience for guests. From the original card room to the hand-painted beams, every aspect of the hotel exudes elegance and charm.

Highlights from the lunch with Lisa

During lunch with Lisa, you gained valuable insights into the local community, Lisa’s business endeavors, and the power of spreading positivity and doing good deeds. Her passion and commitment to her craft left a lasting impression.

Appreciation for Discount Tire’s assistance

The exceptional service provided by Discount Tire in resolving the tire issues cannot be overstated. Their prompt and efficient support, coupled with their generosity in repairing the tire for free, fills you with gratitude and appreciation.

Excitement for the rest of the trip

Despite the unexpected challenges faced throughout the day, your excitement for the rest of your journey remains undiminished. The experiences have taught valuable lessons and reinforced the importance of resilience and gratitude.

Overall reflection on the experiences

The visit to the Broadmoor Hotel, the lunch with Lisa, and the tire troubles have all contributed to a day filled with unexpected twists and turns. These experiences have reminded you of the kindness of strangers, the importance of perseverance, and the joy of exploring new places.

As you continue your journey, you carry the memories of these encounters and the lessons they have taught, eagerly anticipating the adventures that lie ahead.