Is Colorado Springs Or Denver Cheaper?

Welcome to our article discussing the age-old question: Is Colorado Springs or Denver cheaper? Both cities in the beautiful state of Colorado offer unique attractions and charm, but when it comes to cost of living, which option is more budget-friendly? Let’s explore factors such as housing prices, transportation costs, and overall expenses to help you decide which city best fits your financial needs. Whether you’re a local looking to relocate or a visitor considering a move, this comparison will help you make an informed decision. Is Colorado Springs or Denver Cheaper?

Have you ever wondered if Colorado Springs or Denver is more affordable? If you’re considering moving to Colorado, cost of living is an important factor to consider. Both cities offer unique advantages, but which one will be easier on your wallet? Let’s dive into the details and compare the cost of living in Colorado Springs and Denver to help you make an informed decision.

Cost of Housing

When it comes to housing costs, both Colorado Springs and Denver have seen an increase in prices due to high demand and rapid population growth. However, there are some key differences to consider.

In Colorado Springs, the median home price is around $400,000, which is slightly lower than Denver’s median home price of $450,000. Rent is also more affordable in Colorado Springs, with an average monthly rent of around $1,300 for a one-bedroom apartment compared to Denver’s average of $1,500.

If you’re looking to buy a home, Colorado Springs may be the more affordable option. However, if you’re more interested in renting, you might save some money by choosing Denver.

Cost of Utilities

When comparing the cost of utilities in Colorado Springs and Denver, there isn’t a significant difference between the two cities. Both cities have similar average costs for electricity, water, and gas. On average, you can expect to pay around $150-$200 per month for utilities in either Colorado Springs or Denver.

Keep in mind that utility costs can vary depending on the size of your home, your energy usage, and the time of year. It’s always a good idea to budget for utilities and look for ways to conserve energy to lower your monthly bills.

Cost of Transportation

Transportation costs can also impact your overall cost of living. In Colorado Springs, the cost of public transportation is relatively low, with a one-way bus fare costing around $2. Denver, on the other hand, has a more extensive public transportation system, including buses and light rail, but the cost of a one-way fare is slightly higher at around $3.

If you prefer to drive, you’ll want to consider the cost of gas and parking. Gas prices in both cities are comparable to the national average, but parking prices can vary depending on where you live and work. In Denver, you may encounter higher parking fees, especially in downtown areas.

Cost of Groceries

Grocery prices can vary depending on where you shop and what items you buy. On average, you can expect to pay similar prices for groceries in Colorado Springs and Denver. Both cities have a variety of grocery stores to choose from, including national chains and local markets.

To save money on groceries, consider shopping at discount stores, buying in bulk, and planning your meals ahead of time. By being mindful of your grocery spending, you can lower your overall cost of living in either Colorado Springs or Denver.

Cost of Healthcare

Healthcare costs are an important consideration, especially if you have medical needs or require regular check-ups. In Colorado, healthcare costs are slightly lower than the national average, which is good news for residents of both Colorado Springs and Denver.

Both cities have a variety of healthcare providers, hospitals, and clinics to choose from. If you have health insurance, make sure to compare providers and coverage options to find the best healthcare plan for your needs and budget.

Cost of Entertainment

One of the perks of living in Colorado is the abundance of outdoor activities and entertainment options. From hiking and skiing to museums and concerts, there’s always something to do in Colorado Springs and Denver.

When it comes to the cost of entertainment, both cities offer a wide range of options for every budget. Whether you prefer free outdoor activities or splurging on a night out, you’ll find plenty of ways to have fun in Colorado.


In conclusion, Colorado Springs and Denver both offer unique advantages when it comes to cost of living. While Colorado Springs may have slightly lower housing costs and rent prices, Denver has a more robust public transportation system and a wider variety of entertainment options.

Ultimately, the decision between Colorado Springs and Denver will depend on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. Take the time to research both cities, visit in person if possible, and consider all factors before making your decision. Whether you choose Colorado Springs or Denver, you’re sure to enjoy all that Colorado has to offer.