Malfunctioning AC Unit Causes Fire Scare at Satellite Hotel

Get ready for a bit of excitement as we take you to the Satellite Hotel in Colorado Springs! It was quite a scene earlier this evening when a fire alarm sounded, causing a brief moment of panic. Don’t worry though, it turned out to be a false alarm. Our news crew was on the scene, capturing all the action on video. Smoke was detected in the building, which led to the evacuation of the 14-story apartment complex. However, after a meticulous search conducted by the crews around 8 o’clock, they discovered that it was actually a malfunctioning air conditioning unit causing the scare. Fortunately, the situation was quickly under control, and residents were able to return to their homes.

Once again, we find ourselves at the Satellite Hotel in Colorado Springs to recount the events of the fire scare earlier. As smoke lingered on the 8th and 9th floors of the 14-story apartment complex, crews worked diligently to investigate the source. Fortunately, their thorough floor-by-floor search soon revealed the causeā€”a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. With the situation resolved, residents of the Satellite Hotel were given the green light to return to the comfort of their own homes. Stay tuned for the full video coverage by KRDO NewsChannel 13, bringing you the story as it unfolded.

Malfunctioning AC Unit Causes Fire Scare at Satellite Hotel


Imagine the panic and chaos that ensued at the Satellite Hotel in Colorado Springs when a fire alarm went off, prompting the evacuation of the entire 14-story apartment complex. Smoke was detected on the 8th and 9th floors, and fire crews quickly arrived on the scene. After a thorough floor-by-floor search, it was determined that the scare was caused by a malfunctioning air conditioning (AC) unit. Thankfully, residents were eventually allowed to return to their homes once the situation was deemed safe. Let’s take a closer look at the events that unfolded and the measures taken to ensure everyone’s safety.

Initial Fire Alarm and Evacuation

The evening started with tension and concern as the fire alarm sounded throughout the Satellite Hotel. This triggered the evacuation protocol, resulting in the swift exit of all residents from the building. The urgency was heightened by the detection of smoke, which led to significant worry among the residents.

Arrival of Fire Crews

Fire crews arrived at the Satellite Hotel promptly, approximately around 8 o’clock in the evening. Upon arrival, they encountered lingering smoke on the 8th and 9th floors, sparking an immediate investigation into the source of the smoke and potential fire hazards. The priority was to ensure the safety of both the residents and the property.

Smoke Detection on 8th and 9th Floors

The smoke detection on the 8th and 9th floors raised concerns among the fire crews. With diligence and expertise, they quickly assessed the situation to determine the severity of the potential fire. Although the smoke remained a cause for alarm, the floor-by-floor search was conducted to gain further insights into the extent of the issue.

Floor-by-Floor Search

In order to mitigate any risks and eliminate any potential fire hazards, a meticulous floor-by-floor search was carried out. This comprehensive search allowed fire crews to thoroughly evaluate each floor, ensuring there were no lingering threats or areas of concern. The search was conducted quickly and efficiently, prioritizing the safety of the residents above all else.

Determination of the Cause

After an extensive investigation, fire crews were able to determine that the source of the smoke and fire scare was a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. It was this unit that had sparked the alarm and led to the temporary evacuation of the Satellite Hotel residents. Understanding the cause allowed authorities to take appropriate actions to address the issue promptly.

Residents Allowed to Return

Once the situation was assessed and the fire crews deemed it safe, residents were allowed to return to their homes. The relief and gratitude were palpable among the residents as they were able to reenter their units. The swift response and thorough efforts of the fire crews helped ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Investigation into the AC Unit

Following the incident, an investigation was launched to delve deeper into the malfunctioning AC unit. Experts were called in to analyze and understand the specific reasons behind the malfunction. This investigation aimed to prevent similar incidents in the future and to improve safety measures within the Satellite Hotel.

Ensuring Safety Measures

In light of the fire scare, the management of the Satellite Hotel took immediate action to review and enhance safety measures within the complex. This included conducting inspections and maintenance on all AC units, ensuring they were in proper working condition. Additionally, the staff received training on fire safety protocols and emergency procedures. These measures were implemented to prioritize the safety and well-being of the residents.

Lessons Learned

The fire scare at the Satellite Hotel has provided important lessons for everyone involved. It highlighted the importance of regular maintenance and inspections of all equipment, especially those with the potential to cause fires. Furthermore, it emphasized the significance of having a well-prepared emergency response plan in place, ensuring the swift and organized evacuation of residents in case of any eventuality.


The malfunctioning AC unit at the Satellite Hotel in Colorado Springs led to a fire scare, triggering the evacuation of the 14-story apartment complex. Thanks to the prompt response of fire crews, a meticulous floor-by-floor search, and the determination of the cause, the situation was resolved, and residents were able to return to their homes safely. The incident prompted a thorough investigation into the AC unit and inspired the implementation of additional safety measures within the Satellite Hotel. By learning from this experience, we can strive to prevent similar incidents and prioritize the safety and well-being of residents in all our buildings.