What Is The Weather Difference Between Denver And Colorado Springs?

Have you ever wondered about the weather difference between Denver and Colorado Springs? Two picturesque cities nestled in the beautiful state of Colorado, each with its own unique charm and climate. While both cities experience the four distinct seasons, the variations in temperature, precipitation, and even altitude can make a world of difference. In this article, we will explore how the weather patterns differ between these two enchanting cities, allowing you to plan your visit accordingly and make the most of your time in this stunning region. So pack your bags, grab your raincoat or sunscreen, and let’s embark on a weather adventure!


Average temperatures

The average temperatures in Denver and Colorado Springs can vary significantly throughout the year. In Denver, the average annual temperature is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, while Colorado Springs tends to have a slightly cooler average temperature of around 48 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it is important to note that these are just average values and the actual temperatures experienced can be higher or lower depending on the specific season.

Temperature variations

Both Denver and Colorado Springs experience temperature variations throughout the year. In Denver, summers are generally warm with average temperatures ranging from the mid-80s to low 90s Fahrenheit. Winters, on the other hand, can be quite cold with average temperatures ranging from the mid-30s to low 40s Fahrenheit. Colorado Springs follows a similar pattern, with warm summers and colder winters. However, due to its higher elevation, Colorado Springs tends to have slightly cooler temperatures compared to Denver.

Seasonal temperature differences

The seasonal temperature differences between Denver and Colorado Springs are quite distinct. In the summer, Denver tends to be hotter with temperatures often reaching the 90s Fahrenheit, while Colorado Springs usually stays a few degrees cooler. During the winter, Colorado Springs experiences lower temperatures compared to Denver, with average highs in the 30s and lows in the 10s Fahrenheit.


Average rainfall

When it comes to rainfall, both Denver and Colorado Springs receive relatively low amounts throughout the year. Denver receives an average of around 15 inches of rainfall annually, while Colorado Springs receives slightly less, averaging around 12 inches per year. These numbers might seem low compared to other regions, but they are typical for the arid climate of Colorado.

Average snowfall

Snowfall is a significant weather phenomenon in both Denver and Colorado Springs, especially during the winter months. Denver generally receives around 60 inches of snowfall annually, while Colorado Springs receives slightly less, averaging around 40 inches per year. The mountainous terrain surrounding both cities contributes to the snowfall, creating a picturesque winter scene.

Rainy season

In Denver, the rainy season typically occurs during the spring and early summer months, while Colorado Springs experiences a similar pattern. Thunderstorms are not uncommon during this time, bringing much-needed moisture to the region. Although the total rainfall during the rainy season is relatively low, these rain showers often provide relief from the dryness of the previous months.

Snowy season

The snowy season in Denver and Colorado Springs typically begins in late fall and stretches through early spring. Heavy snowfall during this time can create beautiful winter landscapes, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. Be prepared for possible road closures and slower travel during periods of heavy snowfall.


Average humidity levels

Both Denver and Colorado Springs have relatively low average humidity levels compared to other regions. Denver’s average humidity hovers around 53%, while Colorado Springs experiences slightly higher average humidity at around 60%. These lower humidity levels contribute to the overall dry climate of the area.

Humidity variations

While the average humidity levels may not vary greatly between Denver and Colorado Springs, there are variations throughout the year. During the summer months, humidity levels tend to be lower, contributing to the dry and warm weather. In contrast, the humidity levels increase slightly during the rainy season, but still remain relatively low compared to other parts of the country.


Average wind speeds

Both Denver and Colorado Springs experience moderate average wind speeds throughout the year. Denver typically has an average wind speed of around 10 mph, while Colorado Springs experiences slightly higher average wind speeds of around 12 mph. These wind speeds are generally considered comfortable and do not pose significant challenges for outdoor activities.

Wind patterns

The wind patterns in Denver and Colorado Springs are influenced by their geographical locations and surrounding terrain. In Denver, the prevailing winds come from the west, sometimes referred to as the “Chinook winds.” These winds can bring warm air and contribute to rapid temperature changes. Similarly, Colorado Springs also experiences winds from the west, but due to the higher elevation, they may be slightly stronger compared to Denver.


Elevation differences

The elevation differences between Denver and Colorado Springs are significant and have a noticeable impact on the weather. Denver, often referred to as the “Mile High City,” sits at an elevation of approximately 5,280 feet above sea level. In contrast, Colorado Springs is located at a higher elevation, averaging around 6,000 feet above sea level. This difference in elevation leads to cooler temperatures in Colorado Springs and can affect the intensity of weather patterns.

Impact on weather

The higher elevation of Colorado Springs leads to cooler temperatures compared to Denver. Because cooler air tends to be denser, it can also contribute to more stable weather conditions. As a result, Colorado Springs may experience more consistent weather patterns compared to Denver, which may be subject to greater temperature fluctuations and rapid weather changes.


Differences within each city

Both Denver and Colorado Springs have microclimates, which means that weather conditions and temperatures can vary within each city. Factors such as altitude, proximity to mountains, and local geography contribute to these microclimates. For example, certain neighborhoods in Denver may experience slightly cooler temperatures than others due to variations in elevation or proximity to bodies of water. Similarly, Colorado Springs’ microclimates can be influenced by nearby mountains, resulting in variations in temperature and precipitation.

Microclimate influences

The microclimates within Denver and Colorado Springs can have noticeable influences on daily weather patterns. For instance, neighborhoods closer to bodies of water may experience slightly higher humidity levels due to increased evaporation. Additionally, areas near mountains can sometimes experience more intense orographic rainfall or snowfall, depending on wind patterns and topography. These microclimate influences contribute to the diversity and uniqueness of the weather experienced within each city.


Average hours of sunshine

Both Denver and Colorado Springs enjoy abundant sunshine throughout the year. Denver experiences an average of around 300 sunny days annually, while Colorado Springs is not far behind with approximately 250 to 300 sunny days. This ample sunshine allows residents and visitors to enjoy outdoor activities and explore the natural beauty of Colorado.

Sunshine differences

While the average hours of sunshine are relatively similar between Denver and Colorado Springs, there can be slight differences due to variations in cloud cover influenced by the local terrain. Areas closer to the mountains might experience slightly more cloud cover, leading to slightly fewer hours of sunshine compared to areas further away. However, the overall sunshine levels in both cities create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere for outdoor enthusiasts.

Air Quality

Air pollution levels

Air quality is an important consideration, and both Denver and Colorado Springs have made efforts to improve it. Denver’s air quality has seen significant improvements over the years, but it still occasionally experiences higher levels of air pollution, mainly due to vehicle emissions and industrial activities. Colorado Springs has generally better air quality, thanks to its lower population density and fewer industrial emissions. However, localized factors can still contribute to fluctuations in air pollution levels.

Causes of air pollution

In both cities, the main contributing factors to air pollution are vehicular emissions, industrial activities, and meteorological conditions. Vehicle traffic, especially during peak hours, can lead to increased levels of air pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. Industrial emissions from factories and power plants also play a role. Weather conditions, such as inversions, can trap pollutants close to the ground, resulting in poorer air quality.

Efforts to improve air quality

Both Denver and Colorado Springs have implemented various measures to improve air quality and reduce pollution. These efforts include promoting public transportation, implementing stricter emissions standards for vehicles, and incentivizing the use of cleaner energy sources. Additionally, awareness campaigns and initiatives to reduce individual carbon footprints have been encouraged. These combined efforts aim to create cleaner and healthier environments for residents and visitors alike.

Weather-Related Activities

Outdoor activities in Denver

Denver offers an array of outdoor activities to suit every taste and preference. With its proximity to the Rocky Mountains, hiking, biking, and camping enthusiasts will find numerous trails and camping sites to explore. During the winter months, skiing and snowboarding in nearby mountain resorts are popular activities. Denver’s pleasant summers also provide opportunities for water sports, such as paddleboarding and kayaking on the city’s reservoirs.

Outdoor activities in Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs is also a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, with a variety of activities to enjoy year-round. Hiking and rock climbing in the Garden of the Gods Park or exploring the trails in the nearby Pike National Forest are popular options. Wildlife enthusiasts can go birdwatching or visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. During the winter months, skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing are available in the nearby mountains.


In conclusion, Denver and Colorado Springs may be relatively close geographically, but there are notable differences in their weather patterns. Denver tends to have slightly higher temperatures and more pronounced temperature fluctuations, while Colorado Springs experiences cooler temperatures due to its higher elevation. Both cities have low average rainfall and embrace winter with significant snowfall. The lower humidity levels and abundant sunshine in both cities make them appealing destinations for outdoor activities year-round. With efforts to improve air quality and a range of weather-related activities, both Denver and Colorado Springs offer unique experiences for residents and visitors alike.