What State In The US Has The Coolest Summers?

When it comes to escaping the scorching heat of summer, one question often comes to mind: what state in the US has the coolest summers? Surprisingly, it’s not just chilly Alaska or frosty Maine that can offer a respite from the sweltering temperatures. This article will take you on a journey across the country, exploring the hidden gems and surprising contenders for the title of the coolest summer state in the US. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a refreshing summer adventure!

Factors that Determine Cool Summers

When it comes to determining whether a state will have cool summers, there are several important factors to consider. These factors include temperature, humidity, elevation, coastal influence, and rainfall. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors and how they contribute to creating cool summers in different states across the US.


One of the key factors that determine whether a state will have cool summers is the average temperature. Naturally, states with lower average temperatures tend to have cooler summers. However, it’s important to remember that temperature alone isn’t the sole determining factor. Humidity levels and other factors also play a role in creating a comfortable and cool summer climate.


Humidity is another crucial factor in determining how cool a state’s summers will be. High humidity can make the overall temperature feel much hotter and more uncomfortable. In contrast, states with lower humidity levels tend to have cooler summers, as the air feels drier and more comfortable. For those seeking relief from sweltering heat and oppressive humidity, states with lower humidity levels are the best bet for enjoying cooler summers.


Elevation plays a significant role in determining how cool a state’s summers will be. Higher elevations typically have cooler temperatures due to the drop in atmospheric pressure as you ascend. States with mountainous regions often enjoy cooler summers, thanks to the relief from the heat provided by their elevated terrain. So, if you prefer milder temperatures during the summer months, states with higher elevations might be the right choice for you.

Coastal Influence

Coastal influence is another factor that affects the coolness of summers in different states. States with a significant coastline, such as those bordering the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, tend to experience cooler summers due to the moderating effect of the nearby water. Coastal regions benefit from sea breezes and ocean currents that help to keep temperatures in check, providing a refreshing escape from the scorching heat experienced inland.


The amount of rainfall a state receives can also impact the coolness of its summers. States with higher levels of rainfall often have greener and cooler summers due to the moisture provided by frequent showers. Rainfall cools down the air and creates a more pleasant environment. In contrast, states with lower rainfall levels might experience drier and hotter summers. So, if you’re a fan of cooler summers, consider states that receive abundant rainfall.

Now that we understand the factors that determine cool summers let’s explore different regions and states in the US that generally experience cooler summer climates.

Northern States


Located in the far north, Alaska is famous for its cool and refreshing summers. Due to its high latitude, the summer days in Alaska tend to be longer, allowing more time to enjoy the mild temperatures. Additionally, the state’s proximity to the Arctic Circle means that it experiences cooler temperatures all year round, resulting in pleasantly cool summers.


Another state known for its cool summers is Maine. Situated in the northeastern part of the country, Maine benefits from its coastal location along the Atlantic Ocean. The oceanic breeze helps to maintain cooler temperatures and offers a refreshing escape from the summer heat. With its stunning coastline and countless outdoor activities, Maine is an ideal destination for those seeking a break from the sweltering temperatures commonly experienced in other parts of the US.


Washington state, located in the Pacific Northwest, is renowned for its relatively cool summers. The coastal influence, thanks to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean, helps moderate the temperatures and keeps the summers comfortable and mild. With its beautiful landscapes, including mountains, forests, and breathtaking coastlines, Washington offers a perfect retreat for anyone looking to escape the heat and enjoy a cooler summer climate.

Now, let’s move on to the Western states and explore their summer climates.

Western States


While California is known for its warm and sunny climate, certain parts of the state do experience cooler summers. Areas along the coast, such as San Francisco, benefit from the cool oceanic breeze and the influence of the California Current, making summers enjoyable and comfortable. However, moving inland, towards the Central Valley or the desert regions, the temperatures rise significantly, resulting in hot and dry summers.


Oregon is another western state that offers cooler summers, especially in certain regions. Along the coastline, cities like Portland and Cannon Beach enjoy milder temperatures due to the coastal influence. Further inland, you’ll find more variation in temperatures, with the eastern parts of the state experiencing warmer summers. Overall, Oregon provides a mix of climate zones, making it possible to find a cool summer retreat.


When it comes to Nevada, the overall climate is generally hot and dry. However, higher elevations in certain regions, such as the Sierra Nevada mountains, provide a respite from the scorching heat. Places like Lake Tahoe and Mount Charleston offer cool summer climates, perfect for outdoor activities and escaping the desert heat experienced in other parts of the state.

Now let’s move on to the Mountain states and explore their summer climates.

Mountain States


Known for its stunning mountain ranges, Colorado experiences cooler summers compared to many other states. The higher elevations in the state, including the Rocky Mountains, provide lower temperatures and a refreshing escape from the heat. This makes Colorado an appealing destination for those seeking outdoor adventures and cooler summer climates.


Montana, with its vast landscapes and mountainous regions, offers pleasant and cool summers. The state’s higher elevations contribute to more comfortable temperatures, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy outdoor activities without feeling overwhelmed by the heat. Montana is a popular destination for hiking, fishing, and other outdoor pursuits, thanks to its cooler summer climate.


Wyoming, the least populous state in the US, also boasts relatively cool summers. With its diverse terrain, including mountains and high plains, Wyoming provides a range of climate zones. The higher elevations in the state offer cooler temperatures, making summers more enjoyable for residents and visitors alike.

Now, let’s explore the Midwestern states and their summer climates.

Midwestern States


Minnesota, located in the upper Midwest, experiences cooler summers compared to many other states in the region. The state’s northern location and its abundant lakes contribute to a refreshing and cool summertime climate. Minnesota is known as the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” and these bodies of water help to moderate the temperatures and provide a serene and cool environment during the summer months.


With its extensive Great Lakes coastline, Michigan enjoys cooler summers, particularly in the northern parts of the state. The cooling effect of the lakes helps to keep temperatures in check and provides relief from the heat. Whether you’re exploring the stunning Upper Peninsula or enjoying the lively atmosphere of cities like Traverse City, Michigan offers a comfortable summer climate.


Wisconsin, another Midwestern state with a rich natural heritage, experiences cooler summers due to its location and abundant water bodies. With over 15,000 lakes and proximity to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, the state benefits from the cooling effect of these bodies of water. As a result, Wisconsin’s summers are often milder and more enjoyable compared to other parts of the country.

Now, let’s focus on the Pacific Northwest and its summer climates.

Pacific Northwest


As mentioned earlier, Oregon is a state that offers cooler summers, particularly along its stunning coastline. Cities like Portland and Cannon Beach benefit from the coastal influence and enjoy milder temperatures compared to other parts of the state. The Pacific Northwest’s refreshing sea breezes and the beauty of the Oregon coast make it an appealing destination for those seeking a cool summer getaway.


Similar to Oregon, Washington also enjoys cooler summers, thanks to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean. The coastal influence helps moderate the temperatures and provides a more comfortable summer climate. From the vibrant city of Seattle to the picturesque landscapes of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington offers numerous opportunities to enjoy a pleasantly cool summer.

Lastly, let’s discuss the factors that affect summer coolness in different states.

Factors Affecting Summer Coolness in Different States

Several factors contribute to the coolness of summers in different states. These factors include latitude and distance from the equator, ocean currents, elevation and mountain ranges, and geographical variations. Let’s explore how each of these factors affects the summer climates in various states across the US.

Latitude and Distance from Equator

States located at higher latitudes, farther from the equator, tend to have cooler summers. The angle at which the sun’s rays hit the Earth’s surface is less direct at higher latitudes, resulting in less intense heat. This is why northern states, such as Alaska and Maine, experience cooler summers compared to southern states.

Ocean Currents

Ocean currents play a vital role in influencing summer climates in coastal regions. Cold ocean currents, such as the California Current or the Labrador Current, can help moderate temperatures, resulting in cooler summers. States with a significant coastline, like California, Oregon, and Washington, benefit from the cooling effect of nearby ocean currents, creating more comfortable summer climates.

Elevation and Mountain Ranges

Higher elevations and the presence of mountain ranges contribute to cooler summers. As you ascend in elevation, the decrease in atmospheric pressure leads to lower temperatures. States with mountainous regions, like Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming, offer relief from the heat with their cooler summer climates.

Geographical Variations

Geographical variations within a state can also affect the coolness of its summers. Different regions within a state may have distinct climate zones due to variations in elevation, proximity to water bodies, or other geographical factors. Understanding these variations is crucial when choosing a destination for a cool summer getaway.

Cities with Cool Summers

If you’re seeking cities with consistently cool summers, these four destinations are worth considering:

San Francisco, California

San Francisco is known for its cool summers, thanks to its proximity to the chilly waters of the Pacific Ocean. The city’s coastal location and the influence of the California Current create a refreshing and mild summer climate. Famous for its iconic fog and cool breezes, San Francisco offers a pleasant escape from the scorching heat experienced in other parts of California.

Seattle, Washington

Seattle is another city that enjoys cooler summers due to its location in the Pacific Northwest region. The coastal influence, combined with the city’s proximity to the Puget Sound and the surrounding bodies of water, creates a more comfortable summer climate. Seattle’s moderate temperatures make it an attractive destination for those who prefer cooler summer weather.

Portland, Oregon

Situated in the beautiful state of Oregon, Portland is known for its mild and enjoyable summers. Thanks to the city’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean, it benefits from the coastal influence and the cooling effect of the oceanic breezes. Portland’s vibrant culture, stunning nature, and comfortable summer climate make it a popular choice among those seeking a cool summer retreat.

Juneau, Alaska

As the capital city of Alaska, Juneau experiences cool summers due to its northern location and higher latitude. The city’s proximity to glaciers and the coastal terrain creates a cool and refreshing climate, offering a unique summer experience. Juneau’s natural beauty and outdoor adventures make it a fantastic destination for those looking to escape the heat and enjoy a truly cool summer.


When it comes to finding states with cool summers, various factors come into play, including temperature, humidity, elevation, coastal influence, and rainfall. Northern states like Alaska and Maine, western states like California, Oregon, and Nevada, mountain states like Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming, and midwestern states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin all offer relatively cool summers. Additionally, the Pacific Northwest and coastal states like California, Oregon, and Washington provide coastal breezes and oceanic influences that contribute to cooler summer climates. Whether you prefer exploring stunning landscapes, relaxing on beautiful coastlines, or seeking outdoor adventures, there is a state with a cool summer climate to suit your preferences. Consider factors like latitude, ocean currents, elevation, and geographical variations when choosing your ideal summer getaway. So, pack your bags, embrace the friendly summer sun, and get ready to experience the coolness of these destinations firsthand.